As per the Constitution, the Club may, upon recommendation of the Board, elect any person Life Member of the Club for the service rendered.
Any Club Member can be eligible for Life Membership whether or not he/she has played games for the Club. As a general rule, ten years service to the Club shall be the minimum before consideration for Life Membership. Consideration after a shorter period may be made in exceptional circumstances. Life membership will not be awarded purely on number of years played or number of games played but playing record may be taken into account together with other attributes.
Criteria to be taken into account:
Length of time as a member of WDBC.
Service on Board or other committees.
Voluntary work whether within the clubrooms (e.g. canteen and/or bar) or on the field (e.g. marking diamonds, ground maintenance).
Service to the club as delegate to the SABL.
Long term personal sponsorship of the club or players.
Assistance with the efficient running of the team structure of the Club (e.g. coaching, team manager, equipment manager).
Any long term support which may be regarded as outstanding service to the Club.
The nominator must submit a detailed submission, giving strong supporting evidences on the reasons why the member should be nominated for Life Membership, based on the criteria as listed above.
The Board will call for nominations in January of each year, with all submissions to be forwarded to the Baseball Director, no later than the 31st of January. The Board will confer on nominations received, with presentation of the award to take place at the Senior Presentation Night. From 2020, no more than 2 life members may be inducted in any one year.
2019 Inductees
Shane Nicholson, David Owen, Shane Brown, Marie Reval, Jo Owen & Shane Lodge