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DIVISION ONE vs Goodwood at Don Klaebe field 24.11.19     

WON 6-2

On an absolutely perfect day for baseball - and anything else for that matter - and with Gary firing up on the mound, we put it to Goodwood in no uncertain  terms.  Baseball is good to watch when the bats start connecting and our boys really got into the groove and put on a fine display, with ten safe hits.  The Indians got one in the first, but we countered with two of our own, and then lit up the diamond in the second with four more.  Nathan and Gary picking up RBI's, as the batters kept finding the gaps.  No more scoring as the pitchers and the defences kept things tight, and the expected big hitting from Goodwood never eventuated.  Rhett came on after seven as the perfect relief and closed out.  Terrific effort all round.  Hits: Nathan Nicholson 3, Troy Nicholson, Wade Moore 2, Todd Dunstall, Ethan Marchioro, Gary Owens,1.

DIVISION TWO vs Goodwood at Don Klaebe Field 24.11.19     

WON 2-0

Our opening battery was Willy to Deuce, and was looking good until Deuce copped a hard knock and had to retire.  Jacko replaced him and we lost nothing as Willy hurled his allotted amount, and left it to Troy to complete the shutout.  Our first run came as a result of a dropped catch and a wild throw, but the second was scored through good base running, both in the fifth dig.  Hits: One each to Fan Deyuu (Deuce), Jarrod Marsland, Troy Nicholson and Travis Joblin.

DIVISION FOUR lost to Goodwood, as you would in this grade with a guy throwing hand grenades.  This was a much better game by the boys, as their defensive work has really gone up a few notches.

DIVISION SIX -  An eye-catching game this one, of high quality and entertaining, with the eventual result always going to be in our favour.  We looked the goods with Behr on the mound plugging away manfully.  The hits in this 20-7 victory were Geyer 4, Cuz, Behr, Dorney 3,Knuckles, Marso, Teakle 2, Jobu, Nicko, Sully, Watto 1.

DIVISION SEVEN - Lost 6-15 to the Hawks in another good game with Derek Milne's triple being a standout.  They tried hard for their injured Coach, but he proves to be not a very good spectator.  Hits:  Derek Milne, Casey Moore 2, Nick McCormack, Mike Chemny, Tony Brownbill, Aldo McCormack 1.

WOMEN'S LEAGUE - The girls won convincingly against Port 13-2 with Louise Bartle leading the hitting with three (and also pitching relief), and Rachel Coutie, Kenzi StGeorge, Darna Veen (starting pitcher), and Alyssa Lasscock all hitting two.  Creeping up the ladder, and in good form, the sky is the limit here.

UNDER 17's  -  Under the guidance of Gary Owens, this team is improving weekly, and were too good for their Goodwood opposition, winning 7-3.   Harrison Kiss and Aldo McCormack each had two hits, and Cody Tape, Blake O'Brien, Johnny Von Senden, Alex Black and Barry Eime 1.  Owen Williams was the starter.

UNDER 13's  - Only two hits recorded in this 1-6 loss to the Cardinals, one to Ben and the other to Kolya.  Toby Kortekaas pitched but they couldn't pull it off.

The UNDER 11's played Glenelg and had a loss 5-9.  The kids are playing good fun baseball, as evidenced by their runs for and against for the year to date - they are even.  In this game, Oliver struck out three and had a hit, and Chase struck one out.

UNDER 9's had a ripper of a game against Southern Districts with seventy eight runs recorded.  But - remember - no scoring in this grade.


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Don Klaebe Reserve, Drummond Ave Findon SA 5023    

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